This video is the latest Absecon Presbyterian Church live service. You can watch here, but if you have Facebook access, it is recommended that you join the service there so that you can be part of an interactive experience of worship with one another.

Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-733829 and from CCLI with license # A-21067432. All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
featuring Rev. Judy Fiocco

Here is your bulletin for the February 23 service (PDF)

Worship is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Sunday and will air live on Facebook - - where you can scroll down to the live broadcast. The service will go live about 10:25 a.m., when Music Director Rick DeKarski will begin a prelude to give everyone a chance to log in, say hello in the comment feed and get settled in. The service will feature a sermon and opportunities for you to participate through prayer, song, and even discussion online. Yes, you are invited to attend in person, but if Online is a better fit for you, then we ask that you not only watch, but participate in the service of worship from home by following along with the bulletin, using the comments and reactions on Facebook.

Click To listen to a Past sermon.

All services are available on this website and through the Facebook Live platform by going to You do not have to have a Facebook account to view, but to comment and react, you will need an account. It is preferred that viewers use Facebook to interact with each other, because to be in community you are encouraged to talk in church through the comments and reactions!

A Place to Belong...

Absecon Presbyterian Church is made up of people like you who are seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ. As a faith community, we believe the One True God loves us so much that God shared in our life and limits through Jesus Christ, so that we might share in God’s life by the Holy Spirit and forever in the eternal Kingdom of heaven and earth as one. In response, we strive now to love God with all that we have and love our neighbors, both within our congregation and as a light in the community around us.

Our goal is to provide an opportunity to participate and join in hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ proclaimed to help you grow into your purpose for this world and be sent out to make a difference. We think you’ll find that there’s a place for you here, a place to belong.

(Childcare for young children [4 & under] is available during the service. Christian education for school-aged children starts after the Youth Sermon).

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